Ribeiro Psychology

evidence-based care delivered with expertise for your peace of mind

specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, OCD, anxiety, & depression

Evidence-based treatment, delivered with expertise, to get you well quickly & for the long-term.

As a therapist, I am passionate about using the best available treatments, backed by decades of science, to help people get well quickly and equip them with tools for the long-term.

In my practice, I specialize in treating eating disorders as well as OCD, anxiety, and depression. I believe you deserve the peace of mind of knowing you’re receiving treatment that’s backed by research and being delivered by a well-trained provider with a track record of success. (For my training and track record, see here and here.)

Many of my clients have lives that seem to check all the boxes: they’re often successful professionals, surrounded by friends or in relationships, and outwardly appear to be thriving. But internally, they’re weighed down by constant thoughts of food, body image, or fears they can’t control, feeling disconnected from the life they want to live. Struggling with mental health doesn’t have to be a life sentence—you can reclaim your life, and I’m committed to helping you get there.

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